Why join?

With Beyond Business Groups regularly work on your business and plan actions to keep it focused and strong (and making money!).

Our unique model uses peer learning and accountability.

Combine learning with regularly working on your small business through Beyond Business Groups. With our guided learning program you can:

  • look at all aspects of your business (including the ones you tend to avoid or ignore)
  • receive concise and curated information that is current and relevant, saving you time and effort
  • learn in a supportive and social environment
  • share ideas, experience and expertise
  • have peer accountability to help keep you on track.

And of course it’s fun to celebrate your wins and successes with those who’ve been along the journey with you.

Small group learning

Learning in a group has many benefits:

  • It stops you procrastinating – you feel obliged to make an effort for your group!
  • You learn more, and faster, when you learn together and can help each other.
  • You get new perspectives by listening to others and asking questions.
  • Learning with a group is fun!
  • With the collective wisdom of your group members you can fill gaps in your knowledge and gain valuable insights.
  • A collaborative approach to learning increases productivity and leads to higher achievement.

Read what our members think

Hear first-hand from two of our members about their experience with Beyond Business Groups:

Member case study: Kirstie Edwards, Beyond Business Groups
Beyond Business Groups member case study

Importance of peer accountability

A key part of our ethos is planning and undertaking actions to keep your business moving forward. Accountability is an important part of this.

Checking in with your group each month and reporting on your progress makes it more likely you’ll take action and get things done. Each month time is allocated to share your progress, to discuss any new ideas or challenges, and to get feedback and input from your peers.

Of course we want you to be supportive and flexible in your approach to accountability. Goals, actions, priorities and timelines should be revised as needed!

Read more about the value of peer learning and accountability.

Peer learning and accountability is important in small business

Create a group

Once your group of business friends are organised and ready to work on their businesses, you can create your group by clicking below.

Take your small business beyond.