Write your small business owner job description

small business owner job description

Write your small business owner job description

Have you written your small business owner job description? As a small business owner, you need to write a job description especially as your business grows. We know when you start out in business you need to wear lots of hats working in your business. But in order to make time to work on your business you need to prioritise your time and a small business owner job description can help you do that. 

We have often described a successful business as one where you can earn money while you sleep. However, in order to develop a business that works without you, and eventually be able to step away from the many jobs you’re doing now, you have to first understand what your role as a business owner actually is. Having a clear vision of what your role as a business owner is (or should be) is incredibly helpful. It can help you to delegate, systemise, prioritise and outsource.

A job description should include an overview of the business, the business core values, key performance indicators (KPIs) and key tasks. It also needs to include what skills and attributes are required to undertake this role – so here’s your chance to set some professional development goals as you go! Use our small business owner job description template below to get started.

What are your core duties?

To create a job description start with listing your daily tasks (you may want to track your time over a week to see exactly how you spend your time). Write down everything from responding to emails and hosting meetings to organising your calendar, reviewing expenses, and fielding questions from your team/customers. These are your core duties.

Next, take a good hard look at this list. Ask yourself if these are what you want/need to be spending your time doing. Are you good at it? Do you like it? Could someone else do it better? This is important to realise and key to creating a job description for the job you want.

Then consider the role  you want as a small business owner sometime in the future. What responsibilities do you want? Are there tasks you want to get rid of down the track?

What are your Key Performance Indicators, skills and attributes?

Think about how you would measure the success of these core duties. What are your KPIs?

Do you have the skills and personal attributes to do these tasks well? You need the right skills to build a successful business. Skills might include technical ability, writing and editing, good communication, financial management. Personal attributes might be things such as attention to detail, commitment to learning, being empathetic, creativity. 

If you are not accomplished at the identified skills do you need mentoring or training to improve? (Such as creating a Beyond Business Group!) Or if you have no interest in building these skills you can consider outsourcing instead.

What will you outsource first?

If you decide to outsource, what will be the first duties to be outsourced? Beware entrepreneurs can find it far easier to surround themselves with optimistic people who respect their viewpoint of the world. Small business owners can and do naturally gravitate towards people who are similar to themselves. Hiring family, friends and old work colleagues without considering what skills and attributes are actually needed in the business is a dangerous precedent. It’s easy to employ people we like!

Avoid burning out

Burnout is a huge risk factor in the first few years of business. The lack of staff and resources means small business owners can take on a heavy workload and be responsible for multiple roles. There is also the pressure entrepreneurs put on themselves to be successful, appearing to have it all together while also paying the bills. Burnout can be avoided by recognising what you do, what you can do and what needs to be handed over to someone else.

Having a job description can help your business grow

When you have clarity around what your job description is as a small business owner, how success in the role is measured, and what skills and attributes you need and how you could improve, you can be settled in your role as a business leader. Furthermore, by having your job description in place you can identify gaps in skills and attributes and your business will be able to attract the right people to help you grow. Creating a job description as a small business owner can be the starting point for your business and personal growth.

Free download: small business owner job description template

Download our small business owner job description template.

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