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In this member case study, meet one of our Beyond Business Groups members from Wagga Wagga – Alison MacIntosh. These case studies demonstrate how our learning program is helping small business owners, what they see as the biggest benefits, and what they have done to strengthen their businesses.  Meet Alison Alison MacIntosh joined a Wagga cohort of Beyond Business Groups in 2019....

There is always room to improve your brand voice when writing for your small business. Your writing style and tone, along with your vocabulary, express your business personality, and help you connect with your customers. I was reminded of this when my daughter recently ordered an Oodie (one of those oversized, supersoft, weird hoodie–blanket hybrids that seem to be a...

There are many good and necessary reasons to rebrand your small business. However, the reason needs to be strategic. Not because you are bored with your tagline or logo, or like a particular trend! That can be a costly exercise where you risk losing recognition and any brand equity you have built. With the many changes the last year has wrought...

We are always learning in small business. There are changes in technology. Shifts in the market. Social developments. New opportunities arise, as do new threats. It’s a constantly evolving and moving situation. As small business owners we need to be committed to lifelong learning. One of the best ways is through peer learning, where we learn from and with each other....

Do you have a clear idea of your small business priorities for 2021? Or did you have an idea that then dramatically changed with the situation. There was so much turmoil last year. We went through significant change personally and professionally. As the uncertainty continues it can be difficult to know where to focus our time and effort in our...

Are you missing your casual acquaintances? It’s not just in the movies (think Legally Blonde, Coming to America) that people get social support from their hairdresser! Pre-COVID many of us who live in cities and large country towns would interact with somewhere between 5 and 16 casual acquaintances every day when were out and about. (As someone who lives on a...

Kirstie is the Director of A Path To Follow. They provide customised mental wellbeing support to young people and their families. Kirstie started A Path To Follow in 2010, motivated by her experiences with mental health challenges, both personally, and professionally, managing family and allied health services. A Path To Follow was first a blog for raising awareness of youth mental...

Need to get your business motivation back in 2021? Getting your business mojo (or 'bojo' as we like to call it) back can be hard after the year we have all had. Good riddance to 2020. We had so many hopes for the start of 2021. We were all hopeful for the usual fresh start we look forward to at...

Have you chosen a business focus word for 2021? Whether you are ready and rearing for the year ahead, or still reeling from 2020, a focus word can guide you in your business. It can also provide direction for your personal goals. A focus word can provide you with an anchor for all of your goals and can work both...

Here is our ultimate promotional calendar for 2021 to plan your marketing themes and dates for the year. We have all been there, when suddenly it’s Valentine’s Day and you haven’t developed a romantic special offer for your customers. Or created a social media graphic to commemorate Anzac Day. Or perhaps identified when it’s International Donut Day (Friday 4 June)...