How to get your business motivation back in 2021

Get your business motivation back in 2021

How to get your business motivation back in 2021

Need to get your business motivation back in 2021? Getting your business mojo (or ‘bojo’ as we like to call it) back can be hard after the year we have all had. Good riddance to 2020. We had so many hopes for the start of 2021. We were all hopeful for the usual fresh start we look forward to at the beginning of every year. But it seems that we are taking two steps forward and then one step back.

bojo [ boh-joh ]

a quality that attracts people to your business and makes you full of energy for your business success

This year will not be like any other. No year is ever the same, but the dramatic changes we have gone through over 2020 can set us up for success. We know how to ‘pivot’, to change, to take one day at a time, to be innovative, to use technology in all of its glory. But with change comes exhaustion.

One of the ways we can reset in 2021 is to focus on those things we can have some control over. Plan, yes, but plan for change too. For the unknown, the unforeseen, the positive and the challenging.

We hope you take the time to choose a focus word – I imagine it will be very different from last year! But also take stock of how you feel.  Recognise how hard it has been as a business owner and see if you can get your bojo back.

It has been great to have the support of the Beyond Business Groups members who have used their group time not only to focus on working on their business, but to share the challenges and come up with solutions together.

A few things you can do to get your business motivation back

Here are a few things you can do:

  • Go back to your business ‘why’ (Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle). It is always good to remind yourself about why you started in business and what your business purpose is.
  • Brainstorm a SWOT – What emerged as a personal or business strength over the past 12 months? What could you have done better? How can you plan for the threat of the virus continuing or morphing into something new? Where are there opportunities you saw last year but haven’t acted on yet?
  • Recall those times you were complimented on your products or services. Where people have commented or been engaged in your social media strategy. What did your loyal customers most appreciate about your business during last year?
  • What did you enjoy doing during COVID that you want to hang on to – more reading, planning, more attention to detail?
  • Set SMART goals and create rewards for when you achieve those goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based).
  • Write a list of people you want to reach out to and contact them through LinkedIn or directly.
  • Know when you are sliding into negative territory and have a playlist of inspiration on hand – songs, podcasts, Youtube videos, inspirational quotes, phone numbers!
  • Engage your colleagues, friends and networks in your plans – that way you will be held accountable for your actions. 

Group support

And if you can’t create your own BOJO, think about supporting and getting support from others by starting a Beyond Business Group. By having one aspect of your business to focus on every month you will look at those areas with renewed vigour, as well as gaining the benefit of the fresh eyes of others to create ideas for your business.

I was able to get back on track this year with the help of my daily yin yoga practice and adapting the idea of sankalpa’ as my focus word. It’s about setting an intention for the practice, for the day as well as keeping an eye on your future vision.What’s your secret to getting your business motivation back in 2021?

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