small business Tag

As we embark on a fresh year I thought I’d share my strategy for having a balanced lifestyle in small business. As small business owners we can easily get caught up in the many facets of running our businesses and leave little time for the other important areas of our lives. Such as relationships, hobbies and fun. The pandemic reinforced...

Use our ultimate promotional calendar for 2022 to plan your marketing themes and dates for the year. We have all been there, when suddenly it’s Chinese New Year and you haven’t developed a special offer for your customers. Or created a social tile to acknowledge Remembrance Day. Or identified when it’s International Coffee Day as a hook to sell more...

Should you open your small business during the festive season? This is a question many people are asking. The past two years small business owners have been challenged with forecasting and planning more than than at any other time in living memory. So trying to decide on what to do during the Christmas–New Year period is fraught with conflict. While some...

Stop waiting for 2021 to end – set your small business goals for 2022 now! The pandemic has taught small business many lessons. Including the idea of there being no such thing as the ‘new normal’. What is normal? If you look up the definition of normal it reads: 'conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected'. I’m not sure successful small business...

Use our quick and easy 6 week Christmas promotion planner 2021 to increase your silly season sales. Christmas has snuck up on many small business owners  with the distraction of the pandemic. Especially for those of us in Melbourne who are more recently out of lockdown. If you haven’t had a chance to organise your Christmas promotion don’t panic, but...

There are many ways small businesses can engage customers during lockdowns. Read about the challenges faced by Wagga Wagga business The Curious Rabbit and how they got creative and adapted. What we have done at The Curious Rabbit to engage customers during lockdown The Curious Rabbit is a cafe, bar, art gallery and bookshop. We are also home to a huge range...

Lockdowns are difficult, as is maintaining business creativity in lockdown. Living in Melbourne, and experiencing more than 200 days of lockdown I understand the struggle! Juggling working from home with three kids doing remote learning, as well as the monotony and sameness. But it is pursuing creativity that has kept me sane. When I say ‘creativity’ I don’t mean artistry, but...

Wondering why you should enter business awards as a small business owner? This blog will help you understand the benefits of entering, being a finalist or winning an award and offer some tips and tricks to help you create a good submission. The value of entering business awards, winning or even becoming a finalist from a business perspective is a debatable...

Improving your self-awareness is an important skill for any successful entrepreneur or small business owner.  Self-awareness means knowing your strengths, weaknesses, emotional triggers, motivations and how you behave. Strong self-awareness will help you leverage your strengths to improve your business. And conversely, know where and when to bring in skills and competencies. It guides you on where to improve and grow....

Having a growth mindset in small business is essential to success. We learn and improve from being comfortable about making mistakes and learning from them, embracing challenges, taking on negative feedback, not feeling threatened by the success of others and being resilient. So what exactly is a growth mindset? In the education sector, psychologist Carol Dweck’s work on fixed and growth mindsets...