
I was very excited when one of my favourite podcasts, the Aussie born and bred Mojo Radio Show, had an episode entitled ‘How Brand Builders Create Brands that Customers Love’ (episode 175 for those of you who want to listen). Right up my alley. The interviewee was brand strategist, author and speaker, Darryn Altclass. I really warmed to Altclass because...

The first quarter of the year is almost over. Incredible! I feel like I’ve just started gaining momentum in my business this month. And I know I’m not the only one feeling like this. It’s often the case for many of us at the start of the year – holiday mode in January, kids back to school in February, March...

Steven Covey wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in 1989. It was the first book of its type, almost starting a new genre – the self-help book. Now 30 years later the book remains a favourite. And for good reason – the lessons are timeless and can be applied to all aspects of your life – business, personal, professional....

This month I reviewed one of the dog-eared tomes from my extensive library – The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. E-Myth \ 'e-,'mith\ n 1: the entrepreneurial myth: the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs 2: the fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run a business that does that...

Soloist, independent professional, freelancer, entrepreneur. However you label it, the ‘gig economy’ is growing fast through connected technology, mobility, globalisation and a desire for flexibility. Today, the Australian Bureau of Statistics puts the number of solo or micro businesses operating locally at around 1.6 million, making up over 70% of the total small business sector. It’s not surprising, because running your...

So you are busy. Always busy. It’s like a badge of honour to be busy. But where is your busyness spent? Beyond Business Groups is about setting the time outside of working ‘in’ your business to work ‘on’ your business, with the benefit of the wisdom and ideas of other members. If you are stressing about how to make time for...

When starting your Beyond Business Group a key question is coffee or wine? If your meeting revolves around coffee, or as is my preference, tea, the obvious benefit is cake. Or slice (caramel please). On the other hand you could have cheeses, dips and olives if your meeting involves wine. Or beer. Or cocktails. And then there’s always the option of...