small business blog Tag

I have been studying scriptwriting and one of the most incredible realisations during the course was how most movie scripts, regardless of the genre,  follow the same basic formula – the same sequence of events – almost down to the minute. Now I can see how the same sequence of events applies to the Lion King as it does to...

Online Australian fashion store, Birdsnest, is a thriving business with a strong reputation and loyal customer base. Primarily because they put customers first and manage a positive customer experience. Customer experience (CX) is about the journey you take your customers on. From the moment they hear about your business and brand, to the follow-up they receive after using your products or...

Being skilled in time management is so important when running a small business, as it’s a busy job with many roles to juggle. And that’s just the work side of life. You cannot create time, but you can manage time. It starts with getting rid of the things you don’t need in your life, and then scheduling the things you need...

Pricing your small business products and services properly is one of the most important and hardest business decisions you’ll make, and continue to make as your business grows and prospers. It is tricky because the pricing equation is never as simple as adding a bit on to recover your costs. It centres on the perceived value or quality your customers have...

You know you have exactly the same number of minutes in a day as everyone else on the planet. How is it that some people manage to do more than others? It’s all about time management and being productive with what time you have. You can’t just find time – you have to schedule it. How you spend your time...

Running a small business is a big job. One where you juggle many roles and undertake a variety of tasks. Using your time effectively and being productive are essential to small business success. We’ve pulled together some key productivity tips and tools to help you manage your time and develop a more efficient business. It’s important to introduce any new work...

Since moving to the country I've become an apiarist and my fascination with bees and all things honey has escalated. Beekeeping is one of those fields of endeavour where it seems the more you know the less you know. Even the members of the beekeepers club with 50+ years of experience will admit the learning is never-ending. The world's awareness of...

It can be confusing to be a small business owner. On one hand, you are told to hold onto your ‘why’, the reason you wanted to go into business in the first place. On the other hand, you are encouraged to respond to the market. So it’s not surprising the easiest thing to do is nothing! At Beyond Business Groups we...

When starting your Beyond Business Group a key question is coffee or wine? If your meeting revolves around coffee, or as is my preference, tea, the obvious benefit is cake. Or slice (caramel please). On the other hand you could have cheeses, dips and olives if your meeting involves wine. Or beer. Or cocktails. And then there’s always the option of...